DEC 14: presentation on pretreatment of recycled aluminum

AD Chemicals will be present at VOM – Beyond treatment of surfaces in Belgium. Roland van Meer (Business unit manager AD Chemicals) and ludo appels (General manager Compri Coating Service) will give a presentation about qualitative chemical pretreatment of recycled aluminum.

VOM Belgium organizes a study group with the main theme being ‘Together towards a sustainable chain impact of aluminum coating’. The tendency of a “sustainable” economy makes us increasingly aware of recycling aluminum and the sustainability of production processes. During the presentation we will answer questions in relation to the coating of recycled aluminum. In addition, we will give an insight into the global worth and the contribution of every party. The target group involves every party whom supplies architectural applications.

Follow this link for more information about the study group (information only available in Dutch).


Contact us for more information

+31 (0) 167 526 900