Chromium (VI)-free passivations for direct use in the quench tank or cooling bath
Smart additives to increase bath life or improve efficiency
Products that meet international quality standards such as Qualisteelcoat and GSB
AD Chemicals supplies a range of products for passivation of General galvanizing (HDG) and pre-treatment prior to coating (DUPLEX). Next to that it offers specialty additives to assist the galvanizing process.
Contact us for more information
+31 (0) 167 526 900
Paint strippers for hot-dip galvanized steel
AD has a wide portfolio of paint strippers that are developed to remove paint and other organic finishes from galvanized steel.The portfolio consists out of both hot and cold (room temperature) paint strippers and methylene chloride-free products. If you are looking for a traditional paint stripper or more eco-friendly product AD is the right choice.
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Passivation HDG
Passivation products of AD are sustainable (free of chrome-6), economic and effective in use. If needed AD Chemicals can tailor the passivation requirements to the specific substrate and application process of a customer.
Pretreatment HDG
AD Chemicals has developed a hexavlent chrome free pre-treatment process that are specifically designed to the high demands of HDG and Zinc-alloy processing companies.
Specialty additives
AD Chemicals has the perfect product for every step in the hot-dip galvanising process. The range of products includes degreasing agents, cleaning/etch additives, inhibitors and other pickling additives.