Upgrade your iron phosphating process in compliance with Qualisteelcoat standards
Passivation that can be easily added in the last demi-rinse bath
Improved corrosion protection and paint adhesion properties
PreCoat ADL-4p Passivation for iron phosphating is a hexavalent chrome free passivation treatment that can be used to upgrade the quality of chemical treatment in traditional iron phospahting processes. It as added to the last demi-rinse bath. PreCoat improves corrosion resistance and paint adhesion properties.
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+31 (0) 167 526 900
AD Chemicals has built a reputation for innovation and product improvement and has developed a range of additive products for the phosphating process based on trivalent chromium and polymers. PreCoat ADL-4p is one of these developments, making traditional iron phosphating processes more robust.
PreCoat ADL-4P Passivation for iron phosphating process
PreCoat is a passivation based on trivalent chromium and is added to the last demi-rinse bath of an iron phsopating process. It creates a passivaiton layer on the metal surface that significantly improves adhesion and corrosion resistance of the finished product.
PreCoat is tested according to Qualisteelcoat standards as well as extensive laboratory tests on test pieces treated at customer processing lines to demonstrate the effectiveness of PreCoat ADL-4P.
Laboratory tests passivation PreCoat ADL-4p
Test set up passivation PreCoat ADL-4P
Panels with and without PreCoat where treated at the same time by a spraying iron phosphate line (spray).
- 3 minutes of phosphating, 3 minutes of rinsing
- The bath used for rinsing was relatively clean (having a conductivity of 300 μS).
- Half of the panels where sequently treated by misting with PreCoat ADL-4P (bath solution).
- Afterwards all panels were coated
Next step was 500 hours salt spray testing (ASTM B117) in compliance with Qualisteelcoat standards
Line set up, dipping/spraying line
A common line set up for iron phosphating is a process with 7 baths. See in below image where Passivation ADl-4p is added. The product can also be added to the last rinsing bath of 3 stage iron phosphating processes. Suitable for dipping and spraying lines.
Exceeding the market standard
With PreCoat ADL-4P AD chemicals proves the traditional market standard of iron phosphating process can be exceeded. PreCoat is economical and quality wise a solid upgrade that could benefit almost every iron phosphating process.
Discover more
General Steel
AD Chemicals has designed a complete product range of chemicals for the iron phosphating process as well as innovative alternatives.
Phosphate 06H
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